Rest Roots Renewal

One Mission

To model and invite people to live in the way of Jesus.

Three Values

We fulfill the mission in our time and place through Rest, Roots, and Renewal.


We value resting in God. God rested on the seventh day after creation and ever since sin entered into the world, God has been inviting us into his rest. We practice rest today because it reminds us of our future rest forever with Christ when he returns. (Gen 2:1-3, Ex. 20:11, Matt. 11:28, Heb. 4:1-11, Rev. 21:1-4).

How we find Rest

The church would be a non-anxious presence with God and to the world

We enter rest as disciples through hearing from God through his Word, prayer, worship with the church, giving, serving, fasting, confession, and sabbathing once a week.


We value being rooted into the church community. The Bible presents true discipleship by knowing other Christians, being known by them, learning about God together, and sharing our lives & possessions generously. (Luke 8:4-8, John 13:35, Acts 2:42-47, 1 John 3:11-18)

How we establish Roots

The gradual, deep growth through wrestling with God while staying put, not rushing to the next place, and generously serving your community.

We practice this goal through our weekly worship services, community groups, valuing the opportunity to gather as much as we can, and bravely staying curious of one another and opening ourselves up to others.


We value the renewal of the brokenhearted. Disciples are not created, loved, and forgiven for their own sake. They are created to bless a world that is hurting, marginalized, and poor. (Lev. 23:22, Is. 61:1-4, Jer. 24:4-7, Matt. 5:1-14, Matt. 23:23, Matt. 25:31-40, 2 Cor. 9:6-15, James 5:14-17, Rev. 21:1-4)

How we experience Renewal

Helping alleviate the suffering of those who suffer in our community, identifying with the poor and broken hearted, and learning how to detangle ourselves from the love of money & possessions.

Through the Mercy Ministry’s work in the Food Pantry, CarePortal, and helping our neighbors in Middletown.